MED J MALAYSIA Vol. 29 No. 4, June 1975
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To serve all the People
Paul C Y Chen
Original Articles & Case Reports
Media selection for education in the allied health sciences
Teoh Soon Teong
Schizophrenia and academic performance
Z N Kadri
Abortions-government hospitals Peninsular Malaysia 1960-1972
Johan A M Thambu
Causes of blindness in Singapore
K H Lim
Appetite stimulation and weight gain with cyproheptadine (periactin) in tuberculosis patients (double-blind clinical study)
K M Maqsudur Rahman
Pattern of toxoplasma antibodies in Malaysian Pregnant woman
Winnie C Cheah, Cheah Swee Fah
Ototoxic Therapeutic Agents
A Gnanapragasam
Puerperal sterilisation: Comparison of the use of local anaesthesia and epidural lumbar anaesthesia
Wong Wai Peng, Ng Kheng Heng, I S Puvan
Brow Presentation
H C Ong, Panir Chelvam
Pseudopseudohpoparathyroidism: A case report
Chang Chee Khong
Unusual foreign body in the rectum
Mohan Lal
Rectus Sheath Haematoma
Hussein bin Mohamed Salleh
Correspondence: Bell's Palsy
Lim Kok Lee