Advertising Guide
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Guide To Advertisers & Advertisement Rates
The Medical Journal of Malaysia is an official journal of Malaysia Medical Association (MMA). It is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September, November. The Journal is distributed to the Malaysian Medical Association and affiliated medical associations, national library, university libraries, government hospital & others.
The journal sustains professionalism in medicine. It serves as the main avenue for regional research findings to be disseminated to the medical profession in this region.
The journal is distributed free to the members of Malaysian Medical Association.
Advertisement Rates
Bookings are accepted on a page basis. Full page bookings are accepted. The size of a page is A4 size (29.5 cm x 21 cm).
- Back outside cover = RM4,500
- Inside back cover = RM5,000
Mechanical Data
The journal is printed by offset method on art paper (85g). Copy date for submission of advertisement materials is three months before the publication date. Cancellation notice must be given three months in advance and is subject to certain conditions depending to the series discount agreed upon. All agreements/cancellations/alterations/must be written form. CD-Rom containing the advertisement saved in PDF, JPEG format - should be supplied by the advertiser or the agency involved. They will be charged to the advertiser or the agency involved in the contract, if supplied by the publishers.
Advertisement Orders : Conditions
ADVERTISER : refers to the party who books the space, and is responsible for payments.
PUBLISHER : refers to the Malaysian Medical Association.
NOTE: Preference will be given to organisations that advertise on all 6 issues of the year.
All advertisement orders are subject to acceptance in writing from the MMA Secretariat (Publication Dept) and are subject to the following conditions :
- The Publisher reserves the right to decline, amend, withdraw or otherwise deal with all advertisements submitted to him at his absolute discretion and without explanation.
- The advertisements shall conform to the sizes booked. Costs incurred when altering material size shall be met by the Advertiser.
- The Publisher reserves the right to increase advertisement rates at any time or to amend the terms of contract as regards space or frequency of insertions. In this instance, the Advertiser has the option of cancelling the balance of the contract without surcharge.
- When copy is not received by the stipulated time, the last copy for similar space will be used or the space will be charged as if the advertisement had appeared.
- Verbal communications or orders will not be entertained unless followed through immediately with a written form.
- Loose inserts : specimen copies are requested for editorial consent before advertisement booking can be confirmed.
- Payment should be made within 30 days on the date of invoice. Remittances should be made payable to the Malaysian Medical Association.