MED J MALAYA Vol. 25 No. 3, March 1971
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Original Articles & Case Reports
Value of cerebral angiography
Y S Soo, A H Ang
The pattern of physiological weight changes in pregnancy in Malaysian women
T A Sinnathuray, W P Wong
Uncontrollable bleeding due to hypofibrinogenaemia in a case of acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
A K Banerjee
Some aspects of refractive errors in West Malaysia
S Chandran, Vincent Ooi Eu Sen
The role of hypotonic duodenography in the diagnosis of inflammatory and neoplastic lesions of the head of the pancreas
A Galanti, Wong Wai Kwan
An appraisal of El Tor carrier state in Kelantan
A K Dutt, Tan Hock Joo
Astrup studies in the newborn
H Hee Wan Jang
Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia
D Sinniah
A triple curve catheter for selective arteriography
Ang Ah Hoo, J T Lambeth
Tetracycline resistant haemolytic streptococci in Kuala Lumpur
S D Ampalam, S C Chang
Disgerminoma - a case report
R Menon
Algaphan in Obstetrics
Johan A M Thambu