MED J MALAYSIA Vol 33 No. 2 December 1978
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The dilemma of psychiatry
M Parameshvara Deva
Original Articles & Case Reports
Demographic and psychiatric aspects of attempted suicides - Ninety-six attempts
G Murugesan, Yeoh Onn Hock
Breastfeeding - A study of 8750 Malaysian infants
I Pathmanathan
Infant feeding practices in Malaysia
S T Chen
Congenital heart disease amongst Malaysian children
Richard O Johnson, Bee Hong Johnson, Andrew W Grieve
Normal electrocardiogram after myocardial infarction
W H Ng, Zulkifli Ahmad
Prevention of hospital infection
K L Lam
Report on a rare Case of tracheal foreign body in an adult
Abdul Rahim b Majeed
Report on two cases of hyperosmolar, hyperglycaemic nonketotic diabetic coma
Low Seang Gip, K F Chong, Abdul Rahim Omar
Hyperthyroidism and autoimmune hemolytic anemia - A case report
Y C Chee, D S Gill, S C Poh
Choriocarcinoma - An unusual case
K E Khoo
The Karman Curette for gynaecological diagnostic curettage (A preliminary report)
Panir Chelvam, Puraviappan, T A Sinnathuray
Hospital assistants in Malaysian rural health case
H K Heggenhougen
Effects of insulin on the structure and metabolism of glycogen in chemically-induced diabetic rats
T K Kwan, V Thambyrajah
Helminth parasites of gallus domesticus L. in Penang Island
A Khairul Anuar, S Kahmis
Letter to Editor
Correspondence - Vitamin treatment of hemiplegia
D Reid Tweedie