MED J MALAYSIA Vol. 28 No. 4, June 1974
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Presidential Address
S T Arasu
Original Articles & Case Reports
Modern aspects of Psychiatric day care
Woon Tai-Hwang
Some psychosocial characteristics sexual reassignment requestors in Singapore - A Report on 23 cases
F Y Long, M M Lee
Biochemical assessment of the nutritional status of pre-school children in Kuala Trengganu
Y H Chong
Maternal Mortality in University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur
H Kong, K H Ng, T A Sinnathuray
Mild Homozygous High A2 - Type beta thalassaemia
J Ganesan, S S Gill, L E Lie-Injo
Battered child syndrome in a Malaysian Hospital
Woon Tai Hwang, Mrs. Carmel Chin, Lam Khuan Leng
Bell's Palsy - A Restrospective study
Diong Ko Ing
Vasectomy for population limitation
A Puraviappan, I S Puvan
Portal Cirrhosis and Idiopathic pulmonary fibresis with generalised moderate haemosiderosis
K S Lau, A P Mukherjee, K Prathap, J C White
Splenectomy in Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenic Purpura
Narinderpal Singh
Trimethoprim -sulphamethoxazole in the Treatment of infections in Obstetrical & Gynaecological practice - A Bacteriological and clinical study
Ng Keng Hing, Wong Wai Ping, Chai Kim Hai
Oral Prostaglandin E2 and amnoitomy for induction of labour
Nafisah Adeeb, Thomas Ng Khoon Fong
The Cardio-respiratory fitness and energy expenditure of the Temiars
Chan On Leng, Thinakaran T, Mohd Nor bin Che Noh, Sundsten J W, Duncan M T, Klissouras V
A comparative study of Eldoncards for blood grouping ABO and RHo (D) with the tile method of typing
K B Kuah, C S Lim
A case of Rupture of a main Bronchus from a closed chest injury and its management in a child
N Selvaraiah, S Radha Krishna
Imperforate vaginal septum with Haematocolpos
Ooi Kah Chuan, Wong Wai Ping
Congenital atresia and stenosis of the duodenum - A case report
Mohan Lal, M Yusof Said
A simple technique of intra-uterine transfusion of foetus in University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur
Ng King Kwi, Ng Keng Hing
A case of Modified A Antigen in Acute Leukaemia
A P Antoni, J Case
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the liver
Kew Chai Chong