MED J MALAYSIA Vol 78 No 4, July 2023
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Original Articles
Acute leukemia and lymphoma in pregnancy, a retrospective study from a tertiary center in Malaysia
Rui Jeat Fann, Emily Christine d'silva, Tanusha Kunju, Teng Kang Wong, Bee Sun Lee, Jameela Sathar, Soon Keng Cheong
Breaking through the steroid stigma: a single-centre study on topical corticosteroid perception and adherence in dermatology patients and caregivers
Chen Hui Kew, Khairul Fahmi Ahmad@Basir, Dy-Win Low, Ken Chen Loh
Assessment of adherence to antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Gani Tulepbergenov, Aizhan Almukhanova, Dinara Ospanova, Sholpan Zhangelova, Abdugani Musayev, Gulsim Akhmetova, Indira Mambetova, Dina Кapsultanova
Benefits and challenges of teleconsultation service for non-communicable disease follow-up in public healthcare clinics in Malaysia: a qualitative study
Rahmah Rambli, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin
Risk factors of necrotising enterocolitis among 28-34 weeks preterm neonates at a Tertiary Care Hospital, East Java, Indonesia
Brigitta IRV. Corebima, Kusworini Handono, Wisnu Barlianto, Dewi Santosaningsih, Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, Eko Sulistijono, Widanto, Indrastuti Normahayu
Bacteriological study of antibiotic sensitivity test in chronic rhinosinusitis before and during COVID-19
D Irfandy, Hafiz A, BJ Budiman, A Andrianingsih
Telemedicine therapy among chronic pain patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Kumaravadivel Dharmalingam, Usha Rajah, Rajesh Kumar Muniandy
Chlorogenic acid may improve memory function and decrease inflamation of frontal lobe in diabetic rat
Fauziyatul Munawaroh, Nur Arfian, Ramadhea Laila Afifa An-Nur Willya Saputri, Sagita Mega Sekar Kencana, Dr. Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari
Comparison of the antiseptic effectiveness of octenidine dihydrochloride with povidone-iodine for Acinetobacter baumannii contaminated wounds in Wistar rat
I Gusti Agung Ngurah Widya Pramana, Lynda Hariani, Lobredia Zarasade
Potency antiinflammatory of ethanol extract gel of Kepok banana peel (Musa balbisiana)
Elly Mayangsari, Arifa Mustika, Nurdiana Nurdiana, Saka Ardhayudicva
Local wisdom in wound treatment practice in Tengger tribe farmers
Indriana Noor Istiqomah, Dwi Ochta Pebriyanti, Laili Nur Azizah, Mashuri, Zainal Abidin
The Relationship Between Physical Activity Level and Dysmenorrhoea in Young Women
Desi Wildayani, Widya Lestari, Winda Listia Ningsih, Sintia Sujendri
The Relationship Between Religious Coping and Academic Resilience in Nursing Students
Sajodin, Angga Wilandika, Aan Atikah
Indonesian and Vietnamese Information Seeking Behaviour Related to COVID-19
Dian Furwasyih, Eka Putri Primasari, Refki Riyantori, Tran Thi Ngoc Cam, Nafisah Nuhu-Koko, Anthony Kiragu Mucheru, Sella Devita
Swiss ball exercise post-stroke with hemiparesis to improve mobility: a randomised controlled trial
Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo, Riki Ristanto, Barkah Waladani, Adiratna Sekar Siwi
Effectiveness of Virgin Coconut Oil and Regular Repositioning in Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Children
Rifka Putri Andayani, Fitri Wahyuni S, Rizka Ausrianti, Ises Reni, Citra Werdi Dwi Edo, Haeril Amir
Preparation of decaffeinated coffee extract: study of the effectiveness of decaffeinated coffee extract toward lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Siti Lestari, Tri Sunaryo, Rizky Ibnufaatih Arvianto
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: Daily Work Stress and Work Performance between Work from Home (WFH), Work from Office (WFO) and Hybrid in Indonesia
Andrianto Widjaja, Dian Fitria, Ellynia Ellynia, Enni Juliani
Factors associated with the functional balance among diabetes mellitus patients in Padang, Indonesia
Ria Desnita, Defrima Oka Surya
The differences in development between stunting and normal children at the age of 3–72 months
Eka Putri Primasari, Putri Nelly Syofiah, Gina Muthia, Dian Febrida Sari, Irma Isra Hayati
Education Package Based On Family Centered Maternity Care To Increase Self Efficacy And Knowledge Of Breastfeeding Mothers in The Covid Pandemic
Rini Rahmayanti, Riski Oktafia, Fitri Wahyuni
Systematic / Narrative Review Article
Current advances in the development of meniscus tissue engineering: narrative review
Jia Bei Tong, Sanjiv Rampal, Abozer Elderdery, Xiaoyun Wu, Rajesh Ramasamy, Suresh Kumar Subbiah, Pooi Ling Mok
Route delivery of nutrition in patients with enterocutaneous fistula
Rizka Hanifa, Diyah Eka Andayani
A Tête-à-tête with ChatGPT on the impact of artificial intelligence in medical education
Vignesh Ramachandran, Pradeep Palanisamy, Balakrishnan Pachamuthu