MED J MALAYSIA Vol. 32 No. 3 March 1978
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Guest Editorial
Teaching the basic medical sciences
Gurmit Singh
Original Articles & Case Reports
Eclampsia - A review of 48 cases
S K Ong, J Foo, W P Wong, K Yusof
Anencephalic pregnancies in a Malaysian hospital
J C Ong, Harbahjan Singh, Thomas K F Ng, C H Chong
Fibroadenoma of vulva
H S Ahluwalia, A Gopinath, S Kumaradeva
A case of primary adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tube
H C Ong, W F Chan, T A Sinnathuray
The management of neonatal tetanus
E L Lee, B H Khoo, K L Lam
Oral manifestations of microbial diseases
Gurmit Singh, Subramaniarn Krishnan
Characteristics of 17β-estradiol binding proteins
T K Kwan, V Thambyrajah
Observations on a chromogenis and a starch-iodine method for the routine measurement of serum amylase
H H Lim, H E Buttery
Phytobezoar - a case report
Mohan Chellapa
A record of limnatis maculosa (Blanchard) (Hirudinea: Arychobdellida) taken from the nasal cavity of man in Sabah, Malaysia
Jeffrey L H Hii, Spencer K P Kan, K S Au Yong
A seven year study of opiate dependence in Malaysia
M Parameshvara Deva
Needs-oriented postgraduate training in orthopaedics
P Balasubramaniam