MED J MALAYSIA Vol 30 No. 2, December 1975
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Original Articles & Case Reports
A study on mental retardation in Malaysia Children
Rebecca George, Yong Hoi Sen, Grace Lim, Lim Jun Boo
Some observations of the typhoid ourbreak in Sungai Padang, Perlis
Narinderpal Singh, V Menon
Results of a modified Transvesical Prostatetomy - a review of 100 cases
G A Sreenevasan, D D Chelvanayagam, R Vijeyarasa
X-ray diagnosis in urinary tract infection
Indran Devadason
Certain aspects of hystero-salpingography
Lim Thin Peng, Thomas Ng Khoon Fong
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Kenneth Chin, Chang Ham Long
Episiotomy repair: A comparison of catgut and polyglycolic acid sutures
Wong Wai Ping, S K Teoh
3 case reports of meckel's diverticulum
Indran Devadason