MED J MALAYSIA Vol 29 No. 1, September 1974
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The Cross-Cultural Approach to Medical Practice
A A Sandosham
Original Articles & Case Reports
Traditional beliefs and practices affecting medical care in Malaysian Chinese communities
Fred L Dunn
Mosquito-borne Haemorrhagic fever
Rebecca George, Mohd Sham bin Kassim, Lim Tiong Wah
Survey of influenza Hi antibodies in Peninsural Malaysian sera collected before and after the Hongkong 'Flu epidemic in 1968
Dora S K Tan, Mohamed Omar
Ethnic differences in Physiological responses to maximal effort in Malaysian Adolescents
Thinakaran T, Mohd Nor, Duncan M T, Chan Onn Leng, Klissouras V
Cot deaths in Malaysia
S Sivanesan, P C Sushama
Certain aspects ovarian cancer
Thomas Ng Khoon Fong
Onset of Labour: Parts I, II & III
H C Ong, L T Ang, H.L Chong
Amniotic fluid creatinine as Index of foetal weight
W F Chan, Michael K L Lim, Lim Meng Aun
The place of Laparoscopic tubal sterilisation in Malaysia
W F Chin, I S Puvan
Road Accidents
Quazi M Iqbal
The Anatomical and Physiological aspect of vasectomy
A Puraviappan, I S Puvan
The Laboratory diagnosis of veneral disease II - The Laboraiory diagnosis of gonorrhoea
M Jegathesan
B A Adam, Soo-Hoo Tuck Soon, R Rajamani
Efficiency of the cytoplasmic incompatible (D3) strain of Culex pipines fatigans to infection with the rural strain of Wuchereria bancrofti
Vijayamma Thomas
Book Reviews
An Aid to Clinical Surgery
Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Nursing
Family Planning Handbook for Doctors
Anaesthesia and the E.M.O. System
Obstetrics for the Family Doctor
Practical Ophthalmologist
K B Kuah, Lim Say Wan, S Lourdenadin, Keshmahinder Singh