MED J MALAYSIA Vol. 28 No. 3, March 1974
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MMA and the Public
A A Sandosham
Original Articles & Case Reports
Sexual Norms: Its Behaviour
Teoh Jin-Inn
Oral Carcinoma in the Malay Male
K Ramanathan, S Lakshimi
Maternal Mortality among the rural Malays
Khairuddin Yusof
Normal Range Estimates of serum chemistry values in adult West Malaysians
K L Lim, C G Beng, K S Lau, G N Singh
Medical problems of young soccer players
Chan Onn Leng
Combination Cancer Chemotherapy - A clinical trial on Outpatients
T K Ti, N K Yong
Urine Blood alcohol ratios
Harcharan Singh Tara
The Manley ventilator: Slipped toggle switch (click mechanism)
Robert P C Liew
Salbutamol in Premature labour - a preliminary report
D K Sen, K H Ng
Treatment of Urinary Infection with Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim-Sulphamethoxazole)
N C Gong, K Thavaraja Singham, K E Chan, K H Chai
Correspondence - A letter
C L Oon