MED J MALAYSIA Vol 27 Supplement 1, April 1973
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Second Regional Seminar on Psychotropic Medication
National Reports
Australia | Sri Lanka | |
Hong Kong | Taiwan | |
Indonesia | Thailand | |
Japan | United Kingdom | |
Philippines | Vietnam | |
Singapore | Malaysia |
Panel Discussion
Drugs and Behaviour
I Pilowski, H Nakajima, E S Tan
Psychiatric Drugs and the General Practitioner
I Pilowski, Soeharta Heerdjan, H lsler, P S Nathan
Modern Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
G Selby, H Narabayashi, J C Chawla, C Balaratnam
Clinical Trials
W L Rees, K E Chan, H Nakajima, M F R Waters
Scientific Sessions
Concepts of Illness and Choice of Treatment
C P Wijesinghe
The Rationale of Treatment of Maladaptation Syndrome
Gwee Ah Leng
Types of Neuroses and Their Treatment
Masahisa Nishizono
Trial of Lithium Carbonate in the Premenstrual Tension Syndrome
K Singer, R Cheng
Treatment of Ambulatory Neurotic Patients with Ro 5-3350 in Jakarta
J Tjandra, R Kusumanto Setyonegoro
Introducing Valium in Narcoanalysis
W F Tsoi
A Two-Year Follow-Up Study of 85 Schizophrenics
Chu-Chang Chen, Ming-Tso Tsuang, Wen-Shing Tseng
Trial of Leponex (Clozapine) in Schizophrenia
K Singer, C M Lam
Withdrawal of Medication as a Cause of Relapsed Schizophrenia: Socio-Cultural Perspectives
M Lee, Teoh Jin-Inn
Vestibular Reactivity in Schizophrenia and its Correlation with the Effects of Neuroleptics
Min-Min Tsuang, Wei-Hen Hu, Eng-Kun Yeh
Thiothixine (Navane): An Uncontrolled Clinical Trial on 28 Cases of Schizophrenia
E Tan, C K Heng, S L Ouek, T B Koh
Group Psychotherapy in Combination with Psychotropic Medication
Sangun Suwanlert, Teo Hui-Khian
Clonazepam in the Treatment of Petit Mal
Benjamin Chandra
A Clinical Trial of Combined Therapy with Chlorprothixene and Nortriptyline in Psychotic Patients with Depressive Symptoms
Vicharn Vichaiya, Krich Cheunsiri
The Control of Post-Convulsive Confusion by Valium
Wong Yip Chong
Psychotropic Drug in the Treatment of Psychiatric Complications and Sequelae of Head Injury
Prasop Ratanakron, Pramote Chaowasilp
Some Observations on the Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Surabaya
Benjamin Chandra
Migraine, Related Headaches and Psychotropic Medication
Hansruedi Isler
A Computerized Recording System for Mental Patients in Indonesia
R Salan, B Sadono
The Nurse and Psychotropic Medication
Tan Eng Kong
Use, Misuse and Abuse of Stimulants in Malaysia
Syed M Haq, M Mahadevan
Importance of Cerebellar Dysfunction in Tremor Mechanism
H Narabayashi