MED J MALAYA Vol 26 No. 2, December 1971
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The Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur
A A Sandosham
Original Articles & Case Reports
Septic abortions
Ariffin Marzuki, Johan A M Thambu
Prophylactic antibiotics in children
D Sinniah
The immunisation status of some preschool children in a new village in West Malaysia
Soong Foong San
Defaulting from a new hypertension clinic in Malaysia
C J Burns Cox, Che Zaharah Awang, P C Sushama
Intrapartum death rates in hospitals
A E Dugdale, I S Puvan
Hydrops foetalis due to alpha-thalassaemia: A case report
C E Ponnuthurai, J C White
Foetal blood sampling in clinical foetal distress
K H Ng, D K Sen
Chronic vasomotor rhinitis in the tropics
A Gnanapragasam
Surgical management of patients with advanced buccal pouch cancer
V Sivaloganathan
Female sterilisation by culdoscopy
Johan A M Thambu, Ariffin Marzuki
Oxygen therapy and pulmonary fibroplasis: A review and case reports
David Teo Ah Chew, Anthony Leong Siew Yin
Outpatient treatment of psychotic patients with a long-acting phenothiazine: Fluphenazine decanoate
J D Kinzie, R C Simons
Short-term use of large doses of furosemide in some surgical problems
M Balasegaram, A Damodaran
Idiopathic Addison's Disease
C S Ang, J L Da Costa
Book Reviews
Correspondence - The intestinal parasitic infections of school children
Professor B Bisseru