MED J MALAYA Vol 25 No. 2, December 1970
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The Paediatric Challenge
S C E Abraham
Original Articles & Case Reports
An outline of the medical services in Malaysia
Keshmahinder Singh
Radioisotope colour scanning of the liver in the diagnosis of liver disease
S K Dharmalingam, V Mahadev
Psychocutaneous disorders
Tay Chong Hai
Weight and height curves for Malaysian school children
S T Chen, A E Dugdale
Foetal growth retardation
N Paramaesvaran
Mitral valvotomy in Malaysian patients of 20 years of age and below
M Krishnan, M R J Snelling
Recurrence of influenza with A2/Hong Kong/68 within two months
Sumitra Karnath, Mohamed Omar, Lim Teong Wah
Bites and stings by venomous animals with special reference to snake bites in West Malaysia
B L Lim, Abu Bakar bin Ibrahim
Present status of resistance and susceptibility of four species of West Malaysian Culicine mosquito larvae to insecticides
Vijayamma Thomas
Buerger's Disease affecting the axillary artery
K Thavaraja Singham
Bronchography and selective bronchoscopy in diagnosis of lung malignancy: A case report
A Galanti, Wong Wai Kwan, Terence Choy
The syndrome of hyperosmolar non-ketoti diabetic acidosis following craniotomy: A case report
Nadason Arumugasamy, Edir B Siquerira